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Park Hyatt Grand Hotel Logo Design
NazzStore Online Shop Logo Design
AsCharter Flight Agency Logo Design
Raha Musician Logo Design
Ghand Shop Logo Design
Picho Pistachios Logo Design
Katia Cafe Restaurant logo and Identity Design
Ario Animal Feed Logo Design
May sa Layette Logo Design (Ni Ni Di Di)
Negin Nargoon Rizeh Visual Identity Design

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Terms & Conditions

  1. Adjustments and (up to 3) logo concepts won't need further charge
  2. Prepayment is NOT refundable
  3. Process of logo and packaging design takes 10 to 15 working days
  4. ZarifGraphic Team has the right to showcase and poblish it's designed project as its own portfolio
  5. Not pursuing the project by the client for 40 Days (in every step of the process) means that zarifgraphic can get a hold of the project owner to discard or concede it to other clients.
  6. ZarifGraphic rightfully owns all the design concepts declined by the client.
+98 933 100 3288