Borooje Oil Labeling Design

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2022-Sep-11 1794 0

Packaging and labeling design are one of the most important elements of your company’s marketing strategy. Creating a memorable label design can help you stand out from competitors, build trust with your customers, and increase sales. it’s essential because it tells consumers what they’re buying and how to use them. A well-done label informs a customer about the type of oil and its origins. The design of the oil label of Boruj Company was a challenging project since we had to showcase different types of oil in the same design. This oil collection of products includes frying oil, canola oil, sunflower oil, and their combinations. We had to design a unique structure and theme for all these products that would also distinguish them from competitors. And we were able to do all that!

The objective was to show the differences between each type of product so that the audience can easily recognize the preferred product.

People are already becoming aware of the negative effects of overconsumption. Labels for food and drinks are often over-complicated and confusing. Companies use different colors, shapes, and words to make it difficult for consumers to see the nutritional information, ingredients list, etc. while this information is important to include, it shouldn’t be your design’s main focus. Instead, simple and clear fonts in this product were of particular importance considering the type of audience that includes the general public. Considering the limited space of the label, the design had to be minimal and transparent.

The photography of this product was done in Zarif Graphic Studio in collaboration with Carno Studio.


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